Welcome to Instructor Assisted Learning Labs

Welcome to Instructor Assisted Learning Labs
In 2024 Eagle Technology will be introducing a new instructor-led training format. Read on to learn more about this format.
Our new training format is entitled an Instructor Assisted Learning Lab. These Learning Labs offer a unique twist to traditional Instructor Led training courses.
During a designated three-day period, typically from Tuesday to Thursday, you will have the flexibility to choose both the specific instructor-led course you wish to undertake and the days on which you prefer to complete the training. For instance, for a one-day course, you might choose to attend on a Tuesday or only in the mornings on Wednesday and Thursday (9 am – 12:30 pm). Similarly, for a two-day course, options could include completing it on Tuesday and Wednesday or Wednesday and Thursday. This training format will only be available in-person.
Throughout the three-day period, you may find varying numbers of learners in the room, each completing a different course. Because of this, for each lesson of the course you are attending you will have a recording to listen to. These recordings have been completed with a “live audience” to make them as interactive as possible. You will have access to a virtual machine for the duration of the course to complete course activities and exercises. A knowledgeable instructor will be on hand in the room to:
- address questions,
- facilitate discussions on the application of course concepts, and
- resolve technical issues.
Catering will be provided, allowing you to network with fellow learners during break times.
The following courses will be offered as Instructor Assisted Learning Labs:
- ArcGIS Online: Essential Workflows
- Creating Stories with ArcGIS
- Imagery Analysis in ArcGIS Pro
- Mapping and Visualising Data in ArcGIS
- Optimising Field Operations with ArcGIS
- Working with ArcGIS Dashboards
- Working with LiDAR Data in ArcGIS
You will need to:
- register via the course description
- specify which session / days of the week you will be attending the course
- bring your own headset to enable you to listen to course recordings without disturbing other learners in the training room.
Please Note that Instructor Assisted Learning Labs will only be run out of the new Wellington Eagle Technology Training Room.
Upon course completion, you will receive an electronic course completion certificate for the instructor-led course you attended.
If you would like more information about this format or would like to register your interest in attending a course in this format, please contact gistraining@eagle.co.nz
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